On-line Liquor License Renewals
In order to view your renewal documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Acrobat Reader is a free download from Adobe. Click here to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Please enter your Primary license number. Your liquor license renewal applicationRenewal.aspx will be displayed along with the signature page, a Checklist of Requirements and any other form required that you will find indicated on your application. Please print the documents, make any necessary corrections and mail all completed forms along with the correct fee amount for licensure to the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control, 1738 East Elm Street, Lower Level, Jefferson City, MO 65101.
This will be the only way to get your renewal application.
Section 311.240, RSMo, requires the renewal of your liquor license by May 1st. Late fees will be assessed for each license type postmarked or completed after May 1, 2025.
If you have any questions or concerns please call 573-751-2333.